Another script to do the same task, data about the tablespaces.
REM ***************************************************************************
REM Category: Admin
REM Purpose : To report space usage information for all the tablespaces in database.
REM Versions: 9i, 10g, 11g
REM Additional info:
REM Explantion of Columns in Result Set:
REM tablespace_name: The Name of the tablespace
REM total: Sum of data files bytes.
REM used: Space currently used.
REM free: Free space available.
REM pct_used: Percentage of Free space.
REM warning Highlight warning when above 90%
REM ***************************************************************************
SET linesize 300 pagesize 1000 feedback off echo off TRIMSPOOL ON
SET tab off
column tablespace_name format a30 justify c heading 'TABLESPACE_NAME'
column total format 9G999G999 justify c heading 'TOTAL(MB)'
column used format 9G999G999 justify c heading 'USED(MB)'
column free format 9G999G999 justify c heading 'FREE(MB)'
column pct_used format 990.99 justify c heading 'PCT_USED'
column warning format a10 justify c heading 'WARNING'
compute sum of total on report
compute sum of used on report
compute sum of free on report
break on report
SELECT rpad(a.tablespace_name,30,'.') tablespace_name, total,
( - nvl(,0))/1024/1024 used,
nvl(, 0)/1024/1024 free,
(( - nvl(,0)) / * 100 pct_used,
decode(sign(((1-nvl(,0)/*100)-90),0,' ',1,'<*******',' ') warning
(SELECT tablespace_name
,SUM(bytes) total
FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name) a
,(SELECT tablespace_name
,SUM(bytes) free
FROM dba_free_space
GROUP BY tablespace_name) b
WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name(+)
ORDER BY a.tablespace_name;
REM ***************************************************************************
REM Category: Admin
REM Purpose : To report space usage information for all the tablespaces in database.
REM Versions: 9i, 10g, 11g
REM Additional info:
REM Explantion of Columns in Result Set:
REM tablespace_name: The Name of the tablespace
REM total: Sum of data files bytes.
REM used: Space currently used.
REM free: Free space available.
REM pct_used: Percentage of Free space.
REM warning Highlight warning when above 90%
REM ***************************************************************************
SET linesize 300 pagesize 1000 feedback off echo off TRIMSPOOL ON
SET tab off
column tablespace_name format a30 justify c heading 'TABLESPACE_NAME'
column total format 9G999G999 justify c heading 'TOTAL(MB)'
column used format 9G999G999 justify c heading 'USED(MB)'
column free format 9G999G999 justify c heading 'FREE(MB)'
column pct_used format 990.99 justify c heading 'PCT_USED'
column warning format a10 justify c heading 'WARNING'
compute sum of total on report
compute sum of used on report
compute sum of free on report
break on report
SELECT rpad(a.tablespace_name,30,'.') tablespace_name, total,
( - nvl(,0))/1024/1024 used,
nvl(, 0)/1024/1024 free,
(( - nvl(,0)) / * 100 pct_used,
decode(sign(((1-nvl(,0)/*100)-90),0,' ',1,'<*******',' ') warning
(SELECT tablespace_name
,SUM(bytes) total
FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name) a
,(SELECT tablespace_name
,SUM(bytes) free
FROM dba_free_space
GROUP BY tablespace_name) b
WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name(+)
ORDER BY a.tablespace_name;
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